
Computers, and more generally technology, have been integral in the development of modern society.
From space, to communications, to biology, to power, and to new discoveries, computers have repeatedly proven their neccessity for modern science.



Here are some of the most notable achievements made with technology.

#1 Moon Landing 1969

To reach the moon, lots of technology was employed to make calculations for steering the spaceship. In addition to an computer that was onboard the spaceship, there was also a team on the ground also making calculations that were relayed to the spaceship. This allowed the spaceship to land on the moon successfully.

moon landing

#2 Hubble Telescope 1990

To take pictures of the rest of the universe, lots of computation is needed to ensure that all of the data recieved is correctly arranged and processed. There is also lots of hardware that was required omprder to obtain the data in a format we can use.

hubble telescope

#3 Computing Protein Structures

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protein biosynthesis